The sun stopped by again this past weekend, much to the delight of my daughters who enjoyed a turn or two around my parents backyard. It is lovely to get out and take in the sun, even the popple got a little fresh air. Not sure how my parents feel about having their home littered with toys, but I like the fact that my girls are enjoying some of my old favourites.
My diaper bag is dubbing quite nicely as a knitting carryall, bringing new meaning to the name "mothership". As you can see from the photo I made very little progress on the Knit Cafe Bath Robe it carried to my parents' this week-end—only about 10 rows. At this rate I may finish it before my second daughter turns five.
This week-end taught me some more things-I-know-because-I-knit. I learned that knitting and driving (as a passenger) makes me a little carsick, and that my childhood hate-on for purl rows is coming back to me. Am I the only one who has this preference to knit rather than purl?
Yes I hate purling as well! I'm currently frogging a cardigan for my husband because of it...
I too like the knit stich better. I think it is because 1. It goes faster, and 2. It looks better.
We were at my parents home the weekend before easter, and my mom pulled out a giant box of my old, ratty barbies for my daughter to play with. She thought she had died and gone to barbie heaven! I don't think we saw her for at least an hour (which is pretty good for a 3-year-old).
the bath robe is coming along! I love the color!
I too prefer to knit......I don't know what it is about purling!
Funny thing, really!
Hi Sarah,
I hate to purl so much that I tried to figure a way that I could backwards purl on the wrong side, nothing that worked came of it, but it was worth a try!
I remember popples, they were the BEST. I hope your week is off to a lovely start!
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